Spielzeit: ca. 120 Min. ab 16 Jahren
Spielort: Kinopolis Kino 8 Uhrzeit: 20:00 Uhr Datum: Montag, 18.03.2019

Sneak Preview

“A sneak preview is a kind of pre-premiere of a film in cinema before the national filmstart, however, without the visitors at the box office know, which film it will be. Often movies are shown off the Hollywood mainstream. This is another circumstance that makes a sneak preview interesting for cineasts “, to quote Wikipedia.

Away from the mainstream, the Landshut Short Film Festival is always interesting for moviegoers. That´s why we have a sneak again this year and it is guaranteed to discover more than one surprising film. This is a great opportunity to get together for six days at the Landshut Kurzfilmfestival.

The team of the 21th Landshut Short Film Festival wishes you lots of fun in the cinema.